First Agility Trial Seminar
For those agility students who want to enter AAC trials.
Everything you need to know, before you go.
2 dates, 2 locations
Coldstream BC - Wednesday evening 5:30 - April 2nd
Kelowna BC - Sunday afternoon 2:30 - April 6th
12:15 - Intro to Working Rally
1:30 - Tricks
3 PM - Dachshunds Only
I love working rally.
This is a great sport that allows dogs and handlers to execute a variety of exercises from different dog sports, including obedience, scent detection, agility and more.
There are 10 exercises that start at the Rookie level and increase in difficulty.
Administered through CARO (Canadian Association of Rally Obedience) Trials and Titles can be achieved.
This is a good place to start your dog journey. It is great for beginners and experienced teams. Dogs must be older than 6 months, be house trained and show no aggression.
There are many levels and hundreds of tricks from Novice to Advanced Masters.
Its very active and both dogs and owners love these classes.
I can evaluate and issue Titles to those who want them.Optional ribbons, certificates and rosettes are available.
Titles are recognized by the Canadian Kennel Club.Learn more about it here:
Learn everything you need to know before entering your first trial. It is a 2 to 3 hour seminar. Lots of handouts, a Power Point, videos and a Q & A period. Previous attendees loved it.
Learn what is:
· Steeplechase?
· A premium?
· Your jump height?
· Games?
· Read the maps?
· I have to volunteer?
· How to earn a title
· What to bring with you
· I’m missing a Leg
This class uses food and introduces other scents as well.
Dogs LOVE these games. I show you ways to engage your furry friend with items easily found around the house.
A great indoor activity to enrich your dogs free time. Great for days when you can’t get outside.
Nosework and scent detection means different things to different people. I will introduce the various scent work options available. You might decide this is something you and your dog love. You can move on to competition style nosework using essential oils or maybe explosives detection is more your thing. A fascinating sport.
This is a beginners class.
Jumps, tunnels, pause table, weave poles and teeter. We also work on directional cuing, ignoring distractions, choosing commands and reward zones.
This is very active for you and your dog.
Owners and dogs love this sport.
You can progress to higher and higher levels, and enter competitions and trials, and earn titles. -
If you are not sure what is the best sport for you or your dog, then you will like this class.
I will introduce you to various sports to try out.
Intro to tricks, agility, rally obedience, parkour, freestyle and nosework.
A great way to learn about the various sports available to you. -
Great for those who love the outdoors and exploring. One of the few canine sports suitable for younger dogs and nervous or aggressive dogs. Any dog can enjoy parkour - puppies, geriatric, disabled, unsocial etc.
Why use agility equipment when you can use a park bench, a log, a tree or a retaining wall to name a few.
There is a heavy emphasis on safety. You MUST have a canine body harness with a back attachment and a leash (4 foot is preferred.)
Aggressive and nervous dogs can do it because you can practice on your own and is non- competitive. It builds confidence in your dog by promoting decision making.It builds trust and is a great bonding activity.
Starts very easy and progresses to crazy difficult.
You can earn titles. They are recognized by the American Kennel Association.Click here to Learn about Canine Parkour
Love music. Gotta tap your toes to it? People who do this sport love it. It allows for a lot of creativity. This is one of the few classes where you get to decide what you want to do, what music you like etc.
Teach your dog some tricks and put it to your favourite music.
Just for fun or to entertain others. Its an interesting class and we have a lot of fun with it.If your interested in participating. Click here
Train your dog to follow a scent trail to find objects.
Find out more HERE
Private Lessons
Canine First Aid
Joring (Dog Powered Sports)
Guide and Service Dog Assessments and Training
If you have an interest in any of these other classes, please let me know.
Week 1 - handler skills, obedience, jump, jump wraps- left and right
Week 2 - tunnels, distractions, verbals, table
Week 3- directional cuing, curved tunnels, hoop
Week 4- small sequences
The next round of classes starts In February 2025.
Summerland Harold Simpson Memorial Youth Centre
All classes are Sunday afternoon.
Intro to Dog Sports
This 4-week class is for beginners. Learn some obedience, tricks, agility, parkour, nose work and more. Max 5 dogs. $100.
Tuesday mornings 10am, Summerland starting February 18th
Its great for dogs. Owners love them too. Meet fellow dog lovers, go places, learn things, get a better trained dog.
Trick Dog Tutor specializes in dog sports. Let’s get you going!!
Not for puppies. Dogs should be a year old and have a sit, down stay etc.
Dogs must be healthy and vaccines up to date.
Dog must have NO aggression to people or dogs.
An e-transfer to is my preferred payment method.